NFL Sunday Ticket

Web UX Redesign Lead | Feb – Apr 2016 | Launched Sep 2016

Live NFL Games, every Sunday afternoon.

NFL Sunday Ticket entertains over 20 million subscribers, and offers experiences for TV, web, mobile devices, streaming boxes, and gaming consoles.

Evolving from 2015

Our web and device product strategy was to immerse customers in live video, unifying the experience and appeal of live TV.

A primary product goal was when the subscription supports a streaming first experience, customers will land in full view-port video as the default mode, for a more TV-like experience on the web. Due to changes in the subscription plans, my proposal to also land the majority of customers in a responsive video experience was adopted.

Standard view



Expanded view



Subscriber Capabilities

For 2016, the sales and marketing teams updated the subscription plans to simplify the product offering.

This allowed all customers to stream games on any device, but only Max customers could access video on landing.

By illustrating how this change in product offering could impact the entertainment experience, I led the product and UX leadership teams to update the experience strategy:

Only Max customers would land in a full view-port video experience, and view modes for all customers would become responsive to maximize the entertainment.

Immersive UX & Responsive Design

To simplify the UX, I crafted and coordinated breaking out the entertainment experience to escape from the marketing site navigation. By overcoming design and technical challenges, I led the team to distribute existing elements to maximize video, which allowed users to focus on the content.

Through refinements with several stakeholder teams, I presented this experience and achieved approval from the CTO on a condensed timeline.

Component breakdown
Wireframe for main screen

User Journey

To amplify the experience improvements, another important accomplishment was the simplification of steps to watch the game.

Flow for Basic plan subscribers
Flow for Max plan subscribers

Years of user feedback and research indicated a major pain point was the ad experience while the video was loading.

To address this concern, I led the redesign for the ad experience on web and mobile. I introduced ghost loading the UI and a loading indicator.

I worked with ad sales and engineering to reduce the time the ad was displayed, while engineering optimized load times.

Final Product

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Target Australia